We of course aim high and want all our students to be in 100% of the time as we know there are strong correlations between this and achievement. Our minimum expectations is 96%, within the Attendance policy you can see the interventions that are put in place if 96% is not met. The diagram below shows what the correlation between attendance percentages and number of days missed.
It is vital that learning begins on time. Every wasted five minutes in a day equates to twenty-five minutes of lost learning during the week. Doors open at 8.40am for children to organise themselves for the school day. Parents are welcome to come into class, but we encourage the children as they progress through school to come into school independently. If your child is absent for any reason, please e-mail or telephone school stating the reason for non-attendance. Attendance is monitored on a weekly basis and school will contact parents should there be a high number of absences or unexplained absences.
Leave of Absence During Term Time
Section 7 of the Education Act 1996 states that:
‘’The parent of every child of compulsory school age shall cause him to receive efficient full-time education suitable… to his age, ability and aptitude, and … to any special educational needs he may have, either by regular attendance at school or otherwise.’’
Regular and punctual attendance of pupils at school is both a legal requirement and essential in order for pupils to maximise the educational opportunities available to them. The Academy will not authorise leave of absence during term unless there are exceptional circumstances. In law, if a person with parental responsibility fails to secure a child’s attendance at a school at which they are a registered pupil and that absence is not authorised by the school. A fixed penalty notice maybe served. Penalty Notices supplement the existing sanctions currently available under Section 444, Education Act 1996 or Section 36, the Children’s Act 1989 to enforce attendance at school where appropriate subject to statutory defences.
For safeguarding reasons, we ask parents to complete a leave of absence form (available from the school office) for any leave of absence during term time.