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SEND AT Wath Central


We value every child for who they are and prepare them for everything they could be.


At Wath Central we are passionate about providing the best possible education for all of our pupils, including those with additional needs, to enable them to reach their true potential and develop as individuals. We aim to reduce barriers to learning and are committed to providing opportunities and support to enable pupils with SEND to successfully access a real and meaningful curriculum appropriate to their needs. Children’s mental health and wellbeing is paramount.


Our approach offers a range of opportunities for children to engage with activities and experiences, giving them the social and emotional skills to do well at school both socially and academically. We equip them with skills to develop their resilience and their capacity to deal more confidently with the trials and tribulations of life.


We believe in the earliest possible intervention in order to support children with specific requirements and understand that the liaison between parents/carers is crucial to making this a success. We highly value the partnership between home and school and welcome collaborative working in order to best support our pupils.


If you would like to know more about our SEND and nurture support or if you would like to visit us, please feel free to contact us. We would love to hear from you!


Our SEND Team

A Shaw.jpg

Mrs A Shaw


Mrs J Crawford
SEND Support


        What do we mean by Special Educational Needs?


Some children have a learning difficulty or disability that makes it harder for them to access their learning. These children will require extra help from school, this might be for a short period or throughout their time in education.


It is important that we recognise that all children are individual and have the right to be supported in order to achieve their potential.


A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.

A child of compulsory school age, or a young person, has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:

• has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or
• has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in a mainstream school.



       Where can I go for more information?

If you think your child might need extra help or support with their education, the first step is to talk to someone in school.  We will listen to your concerns and discuss how we feel we can best help.  If we identify that your child has Special Educational Needs, we will arrange a meeting to discuss what type of support your child might need. 


Next steps


We understand that being the parent/carer of a child with SEND can be daunting. There are lots of support services available to help both children with SEND and their families. 

See below to find out about resources, services, support, activities and events for Rotherham’s children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).


The Local Offer is a website produced by the Local Authority to explain in detail what services and support are available locally and Rotherham Parent/Carer Forum is a group established specifically to support parents/carers in the locality.  

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Click the picture link to your right to access the RMBC Local Offer

Using Braille to Read

Click the picture link above to access the Rotherham Parent/Carer Forum Limited.

Baby with Hearing Aid

Click the picture for the SEND Code of Practice


Rotherham SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service)

is available to offer impartial information, advice and support if you are:


  • A parent or carer for a child or young person up to age 25 with special educational needs or disabilities.

  • A child up to age 16 who has special educational needs or disabilities.

  • A young person aged 16-25 who has special educational needs or disabilities


Click the picture link below to access Rotherham SENDIASS

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SEND Report Information Video

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